Group Assignment1: CNC Machine

Feed is the speed at which the machine moves the drill bit. It’s evident from the picture that slower feed rates are better in terms of results, but through research I have found out that sometimes slow feed can be detrimental to the tool. The material being operated on plays a big factor.

Speed on the other hand is the speed at which the drill bit operates. As can be seen from the picture, RPM plays a significant role in quality, but the same can be said about it as can be said about feed, a sweet spot is important. Operating at high RPM can sometimes dull the tool quickly and ruin the cut.

One limitation of the CNC machine is also apparent in the board, as can be seen in the number 4. The machine can’t make small angled lines.

Pockets are also good example of CNC limitations, as the angles can be too small for the tool to cut, effectively interfering with the cut quality of the pocket, which is dog bone fillets are necessary.

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